About Along Their Way

Our unique and effective program

Our life coaching program, developed after years of research, study, and experience, leading to an effective and efficient method for addressing the challenges associated with a neurodiverse brain. The ATW program incorporates a wide range of modalities, including Internal Family Systems (IFS) and Intimacy From Inside Out (IFIO) based discussion, executive function and skills based training, nutrition, exercise, wellness, and meditation.  We work with our clients to help them gain a better understanding of the ADHD brain and how neurodiversity impacts thoughts and behaviors. We then encourage and help our clients to engage and embrace their neurodiversity while working together to employ practical tools and strategies and achieve personal transformation through self-acceptance, self-awareness, and personal empowerment.

Jamie Blume

The roots of Along their Way

Almost without realizing it, Jamie Blume found her way by living the core values that Along Their Way promotes today.  As an early life coach practitioner, Jamie became frustrated with the narrow focus and limited tools available to help ADHD clients within the traditional coaching framework.  Recognizing this gap, Jamie called upon her unique coaching expertise and experience and founded Along Their Way to better serve those facing ADHD-specific challenges. 

Today, through her personal experience with ADHD, raising kids with ADHD, and a lifetime of education and coaching, Jamie has developed a coaching program that helps clients identify and build the skills and tools necessary to live a happy and healthy life.  

The nature of Coaching

Coaching is a collaborative process that focuses on a client’s unique interests, desires, and goals. It is about personal discovery, awareness, and choice. Coaching empowers clients to find answers within themselves and supports them as they make choices and decisions.

At Along Their Way, we focus on clients who face the challenges and opportunities presented by the ADHD brain.  Our coaches meet clients where they are and bring to each session positivity, openness, compassion, empathy, and honesty.  These attributes serve as the foundation for a successful and productive client/coach relationship.

Together, this is where transformation happens.

Why the hummingbird?

Along Their Way Hummingbird