Manage ADHD At Home: The 3 Best ways

Manage ADHD

ADHD affects almost 130 million children and more than 360 million adults worldwide, making it one of the most common mental health challenges we face. Often, those with ADHD have trouble concentrating, managing time, or getting organized, leading to reduced academic or job performance and compromised social interactions. 

When properly managed, however, ADHD can become less of a challenge and more of a strength. Among the many ways you can help manage or cope with ADHD are:

1. Alter Your Routine

Small changes to daily routine often enable clients to manage time, stay organized, and reduce forgetfulness. Importantly, these changes do not involve complete overhauls or modifications of behavior. Instead, small, simple steps and tiny shifts in habits can bring about huge changes.

We work with clients to determine what systems and scaffolding may be helpful. We discuss the importance of accountability and the use of prompts. We look at simple shifts, like to-do lists and schedule apps, to help keep track of ordinary tasks and important commitments. We also help clients break larger projects into smaller, more manageable ones. Small wins help clients achieve success and become encouraged by measurable progress.

2. Create New Habits 

Often, new habits can inspire new thinking. We support our clients in developing habits that will work best for them. Some ideas our clients’ offered are:

      • Use sticky pads to write down things to remember and stick them in places where you will see them throughout the day;

      • Carry a small notebook or record on your phone to capture random thoughts;

      • Download an app on your phone to list your detailed steps toward accomplishing a goal;

      • Create and follow regular and consistent daily routines. Some of these routines include morning or evening routines for better sleep or screen use.

      • Create a daily mindfulness and/or gratitude routine.

    3.  Focus on Self-Care

        • Diet and nutrition play a key role in reducing symptoms of ADHD and improving overall mental and physical well-being. Limited amounts of processed foods and sugar is extremely beneficial for all people, especially those with ADHD.

        • Identifying and eliminating food sensitivities and intolerances that contribute to poor gut health has been shown to help those with ADHD.

        • Regular exercise has been shown to enhance executive functions, including attention, concentration, and working memory. Exercise also plays an important role in mitigating mood and stress. 

        • Spending time outside can improve focus and attention span, provide time away from screens and information overload, and improve overall well-being.

      About Us

      Along Their Way is the trusted coach for clients struggling with ADHD. We use an innovative and collaborative coaching approach to help clients manage the challenges and complexities that often run alongside the ADHD brain, such as time blindness, emotional dysregulation, and forgetfulness.

      Contact us or schedule a free consultation to learn how ADHD coaching can benefit you or a loved one.

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