Mentor Coaching

We mentor coaches to become certified ADHD and Life Coaches

Jamie Blume, Founder and ADHD Coach, mentors aspiring coaches and helps them achieve ICF and PAAC certification and career aspirations. She encourages her mentees to exceed perceived limits and leverage their strengths. Jamie also supports mentees with business creation, personal growth, and refinement coaching skills.

Jamie teaches at the highly acclaimed and accredited ADD Coach Academy (ADDCA) where she keeps supports students on their way to becoming ADHD coaches.

Mentor Coaching

Meet your mentor

Jamie Blume, Founder and CEO of Along their way

Jamie has been mentoring aspiring coaches for numerous years, as well as teaches at the highly acclaimed ADHD Coaching Academy (ADDCA), and is the Education Chair of ADDA. 

Coach Mentoring

ICF & PAAC Mentor Coaching

Fulfill requirements for certification, one-on-one coaching for ICF credentialing or renewal of credentialing, business building, and self-confidence boosting.

Level up your coaching

Become the best coach you can be. You get the opportunity to deepen your coaching skills to become an extraordinarily impactful and confident coach.

In person Coaching intensives

Multiple day long retreats to level up your coaching, your business, and yourself. Learn more about these intensives and sign up for the next one here.

ICF and PAAC Certification Requirements

As your mentor coach, Jamie will help you achieve ICF and PAAC certification.

You will need 10 hours of competency-based mentor coaching (7 hours in a group and 3 hours of one-on-one training). Together, you will focus on best practices in coaching, and she will provide regular reviews and assessments through real case studies. Additionally, she will review sent-in recorded sessions and provide feedback.

Life Coach Mentoring

According to the 2022 Global Consumer Awareness Study, 85% of coaching clients say it is important or very important that their coach holds a professional certification or credential. Get yours today!